PHP's money_format in JavaScript

How to use

You you can install via yarn add locutus and require this function via const money_format = require('locutus/php/strings/money_format').

It is important to use a bundler that supports tree-shaking so that you only ship the functions that you actually use to your browser, instead of all of Locutus, which is massive. Examples are: Parcel, webpack, or rollup.js. For server-side use this is typically less of a concern.


Please note that these examples are distilled from test cases that automatically verify our functions still work correctly. This could explain some quirky ones.

#codeexpected result
1money_format('%i', 1234.56)' USD 1,234.56'
2money_format('%14#8.2n', 1234.5678)' $ 1,234.57'
3money_format('%14#8.2n', -1234.5678)'-$ 1,234.57'
4money_format('%(14#8.2n', 1234.5678)' $ 1,234.57 '
5money_format('%(14#8.2n', -1234.5678)'($ 1,234.57)'
6money_format('%=014#8.2n', 1234.5678)' $000001,234.57'
7money_format('%=014#8.2n', -1234.5678)'-$000001,234.57'
8money_format('%=*14#8.2n', 1234.5678)' $*****1,234.57'
9money_format('%=*14#8.2n', -1234.5678)'-$*****1,234.57'
10money_format('%=*^14#8.2n', 1234.5678)' $****1234.57'
11money_format('%=*^14#8.2n', -1234.5678)' -$****1234.57'
12money_format('%=*!14#8.2n', 1234.5678)' *****1,234.57'
13money_format('%=*!14#8.2n', -1234.5678)'-*****1,234.57'
14money_format('%i', 3590)' USD 3,590.00'


  • This depends on setlocale having the appropriate locale (these examples use ‘en_US’)

Here’s what our current JavaScript equivalent to PHP's money_format looks like.

module.exports = function money_format(format, number) {
// discuss at:
// original by: Brett Zamir (
// input by: daniel airton wermann (
// bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
// note 1: This depends on setlocale having the appropriate
// note 1: locale (these examples use 'en_US')
// example 1: money_format('%i', 1234.56)
// returns 1: ' USD 1,234.56'
// example 2: money_format('%14#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 2: ' $ 1,234.57'
// example 3: money_format('%14#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 3: '-$ 1,234.57'
// example 4: money_format('%(14#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 4: ' $ 1,234.57 '
// example 5: money_format('%(14#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 5: '($ 1,234.57)'
// example 6: money_format('%=014#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 6: ' $000001,234.57'
// example 7: money_format('%=014#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 7: '-$000001,234.57'
// example 8: money_format('%=*14#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 8: ' $*****1,234.57'
// example 9: money_format('%=*14#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 9: '-$*****1,234.57'
// example 10: money_format('%=*^14#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 10: ' $****1234.57'
// example 11: money_format('%=*^14#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 11: ' -$****1234.57'
// example 12: money_format('%=*!14#8.2n', 1234.5678)
// returns 12: ' *****1,234.57'
// example 13: money_format('%=*!14#8.2n', -1234.5678)
// returns 13: '-*****1,234.57'
// example 14: money_format('%i', 3590)
// returns 14: ' USD 3,590.00'

const setlocale = require('../strings/setlocale')

// Per PHP behavior, there seems to be no extra padding
// for sign when there is a positive number, though my
// understanding of the description is that there should be padding;
// need to revisit examples

// Helpful info at
// and

if (typeof number !== 'number') {
return null
// 1: flags, 3: width, 5: left, 7: right, 8: conversion
const regex = /%((=.|[+^(!-])*?)(\d*?)(#(\d+))?(\.(\d+))?([in%])/g

// Ensure the locale data we need is set up
setlocale('LC_ALL', 0)

const $global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global
$global.$locutus = $global.$locutus || {}
const $locutus = $global.$locutus
$locutus.php = $locutus.php || {}

const monetary = $locutus.php.locales[$locutus.php.localeCategories.LC_MONETARY].LC_MONETARY

const doReplace = function (n0, flags, n2, width, n4, left, n6, right, conversion) {
let value = ''
let repl = ''
if (conversion === '%') {
// Percent does not seem to be allowed with intervening content
return '%'
const fill = flags && /=./.test(flags) ? flags.match(/=(.)/)[1] : ' ' // flag: =f (numeric fill)
// flag: ! (suppress currency symbol)
const showCurrSymbol = !flags || flags.indexOf('!') === -1
// field width: w (minimum field width)
width = parseInt(width, 10) || 0

const neg = number < 0
// Convert to string
number = number + ''
// We don't want negative symbol represented here yet
number = neg ? number.slice(1) : number

const decpos = number.indexOf('.')
// Get integer portion
let integer = decpos !== -1 ? number.slice(0, decpos) : number
// Get decimal portion
let fraction = decpos !== -1 ? number.slice(decpos + 1) : ''

const _strSplice = function (integerStr, idx, thouSep) {
const integerArr = integerStr.split('')
integerArr.splice(idx, 0, thouSep)
return integerArr.join('')

const intLen = integer.length
left = parseInt(left, 10)
const filler = intLen < left
if (filler) {
var fillnum = left - intLen
integer = new Array(fillnum + 1).join(fill) + integer
if (flags.indexOf('^') === -1) {
// flag: ^ (disable grouping characters (of locale))
// use grouping characters
// ','
let thouSep = monetary.mon_thousands_sep
// [3] (every 3 digits in U.S.A. locale)
const monGrouping = monetary.mon_grouping

if (monGrouping[0] < integer.length) {
for (var i = 0, idx = integer.length; i < monGrouping.length; i++) {
// e.g., 3
idx -= monGrouping[i]
if (idx <= 0) {
if (filler && idx < fillnum) {
thouSep = fill
integer = _strSplice(integer, idx, thouSep)
if (monGrouping[i - 1] > 0) {
// Repeating last grouping (may only be one) until highest portion of integer reached
while (idx > monGrouping[i - 1]) {
idx -= monGrouping[i - 1]
if (filler && idx < fillnum) {
thouSep = fill
integer = _strSplice(integer, idx, thouSep)

// left, right
if (right === '0') {
// No decimal or fractional digits
value = integer
} else {
// '.'
let decPt = monetary.mon_decimal_point
if (right === '' || right === undefined) {
right = conversion === 'i' ? monetary.int_frac_digits : monetary.frac_digits
right = parseInt(right, 10)

if (right === 0) {
// Only remove fractional portion if explicitly set to zero digits
fraction = ''
decPt = ''
} else if (right < fraction.length) {
fraction = Math.round(parseFloat(fraction.slice(0, right) + '.' + fraction.substr(right, 1)))
if (right > fraction.length) {
fraction = new Array(right - fraction.length + 1).join('0') + fraction // prepend with 0's
} else if (right > fraction.length) {
fraction += new Array(right - fraction.length + 1).join('0') // pad with 0's
value = integer + decPt + fraction

let symbol = ''
if (showCurrSymbol) {
// 'i' vs. 'n' ('USD' vs. '$')
symbol = conversion === 'i' ? monetary.int_curr_symbol : monetary.currency_symbol
const signPosn = neg ? monetary.n_sign_posn : monetary.p_sign_posn

// 0: no space between curr. symbol and value
// 1: space sep. them unless symb. and sign are adjacent then space sep. them from value
// 2: space sep. sign and value unless symb. and sign are adjacent then space separates
const sepBySpace = neg ? monetary.n_sep_by_space : monetary.p_sep_by_space

// p_cs_precedes, n_cs_precedes
// positive currency symbol follows value = 0; precedes value = 1
const csPrecedes = neg ? monetary.n_cs_precedes : monetary.p_cs_precedes

// Assemble symbol/value/sign and possible space as appropriate
if (flags.indexOf('(') !== -1) {
// flag: parenth. for negative
// @todo: unclear on whether and how sepBySpace, signPosn, or csPrecedes have
// an impact here (as they do below), but assuming for now behaves as signPosn 0 as
// far as localized sepBySpace and signPosn behavior
repl =
(csPrecedes ? symbol + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') : '') +
value +
(!csPrecedes ? (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + symbol : '')
if (neg) {
repl = '(' + repl + ')'
} else {
repl = ' ' + repl + ' '
} else {
// '+' is default
// ''
const posSign = monetary.positive_sign
// '-'
const negSign = monetary.negative_sign
const sign = neg ? negSign : posSign
const otherSign = neg ? posSign : negSign
let signPadding = ''
if (signPosn) {
// has a sign
signPadding = new Array(otherSign.length - sign.length + 1).join(' ')

let valueAndCS = ''
switch (signPosn) {
// 0: parentheses surround value and curr. symbol;
// 1: sign precedes them;
// 2: sign follows them;
// 3: sign immed. precedes curr. symbol; (but may be space between)
// 4: sign immed. succeeds curr. symbol; (but may be space between)
case 0:
valueAndCS = csPrecedes
? symbol + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + value
: value + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + symbol
repl = '(' + valueAndCS + ')'
case 1:
valueAndCS = csPrecedes
? symbol + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + value
: value + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + symbol
repl = signPadding + sign + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + valueAndCS
case 2:
valueAndCS = csPrecedes
? symbol + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + value
: value + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + symbol
repl = valueAndCS + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + sign + signPadding
case 3:
repl = csPrecedes
? signPadding + sign + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + symbol + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + value
: value + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + sign + signPadding + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + symbol
case 4:
repl = csPrecedes
? symbol + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + signPadding + sign + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + value
: value + (sepBySpace === 1 ? ' ' : '') + symbol + (sepBySpace === 2 ? ' ' : '') + sign + signPadding

let padding = width - repl.length
if (padding > 0) {
padding = new Array(padding + 1).join(' ')
// @todo: How does p_sep_by_space affect the count if there is a space?
// Included in count presumably?
if (flags.indexOf('-') !== -1) {
// left-justified (pad to right)
repl += padding
} else {
// right-justified (pad to left)
repl = padding + repl
return repl

return format.replace(regex, doReplace)

A community effort

Not unlike Wikipedia, Locutus is an ongoing community effort. Our philosophy follows The McDonald’s Theory. This means that we assimilate first iterations with imperfections, hoping for others to take issue with-and improve them. This unorthodox approach has worked very well to foster fun and fruitful collaboration, but please be reminded to use our creations at your own risk. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" has never been more true than for Locutus.

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