PHP's strtotime in JavaScript

How to use

You you can install via yarn add locutus and require this function via const strtotime = require('locutus/php/datetime/strtotime').

It is important to use a bundler that supports tree-shaking so that you only ship the functions that you actually use to your browser, instead of all of Locutus, which is massive. Examples are: Parcel, webpack, or rollup.js. For server-side use this is typically less of a concern.


Please note that these examples are distilled from test cases that automatically verify our functions still work correctly. This could explain some quirky ones.

#codeexpected result
1strtotime('+1 day', 1129633200)1129719600
2strtotime('+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds', 1129633200)1130425202
3strtotime('last month', 1129633200)1127041200
4strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00+00')1241425800
5strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00+02:00')1241418600
6strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00 YWT')1241454600


  • Examples all have a fixed timestamp to prevent tests to fail because of variable time(zones)

Here’s what our current JavaScript equivalent to PHP's strtotime looks like.

const reSpace = '[ \\t]+'
const reSpaceOpt = '[ \\t]*'
const reMeridian = '(?:([ap])\\.?m\\.?([\\t ]|$))'
const reHour24 = '(2[0-4]|[01]?[0-9])'
const reHour24lz = '([01][0-9]|2[0-4])'
const reHour12 = '(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])'
const reMinute = '([0-5]?[0-9])'
const reMinutelz = '([0-5][0-9])'
const reSecond = '(60|[0-5]?[0-9])'
const reSecondlz = '(60|[0-5][0-9])'
const reFrac = '(?:\\.([0-9]+))'

const reDayfull = 'sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday'
const reDayabbr = 'sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat'
const reDaytext = reDayfull + '|' + reDayabbr + '|weekdays?'

const reReltextnumber = 'first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth?|ninth|tenth|eleventh|twelfth'
const reReltexttext = 'next|last|previous|this'
const reReltextunit = '(?:second|sec|minute|min|hour|day|fortnight|forthnight|month|year)s?|weeks|' + reDaytext

const reYear = '([0-9]{1,4})'
const reYear2 = '([0-9]{2})'
const reYear4 = '([0-9]{4})'
const reYear4withSign = '([+-]?[0-9]{4})'
const reMonth = '(1[0-2]|0?[0-9])'
const reMonthlz = '(0[0-9]|1[0-2])'
const reDay = '(?:(3[01]|[0-2]?[0-9])(?:st|nd|rd|th)?)'
const reDaylz = '(0[0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[01])'

const reMonthFull = 'january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december'
const reMonthAbbr = 'jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sept?|oct|nov|dec'
const reMonthroman = 'i[vx]|vi{0,3}|xi{0,2}|i{1,3}'
const reMonthText = '(' + reMonthFull + '|' + reMonthAbbr + '|' + reMonthroman + ')'

const reTzCorrection = '((?:GMT)?([+-])' + reHour24 + ':?' + reMinute + '?)'
const reTzAbbr = '\\(?([a-zA-Z]{1,6})\\)?'
const reDayOfYear = '(00[1-9]|0[1-9][0-9]|[12][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6])'
const reWeekOfYear = '(0[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])'

const reDateNoYear = reMonthText + '[ .\\t-]*' + reDay + '[,.stndrh\\t ]*'

function processMeridian(hour, meridian) {
meridian = meridian && meridian.toLowerCase()

switch (meridian) {
case 'a':
hour += hour === 12 ? -12 : 0
case 'p':
hour += hour !== 12 ? 12 : 0

return hour

function processYear(yearStr) {
let year = +yearStr

if (yearStr.length < 4 && year < 100) {
year += year < 70 ? 2000 : 1900

return year

function lookupMonth(monthStr) {
return {
jan: 0,
january: 0,
i: 0,
feb: 1,
february: 1,
ii: 1,
mar: 2,
march: 2,
iii: 2,
apr: 3,
april: 3,
iv: 3,
may: 4,
v: 4,
jun: 5,
june: 5,
vi: 5,
jul: 6,
july: 6,
vii: 6,
aug: 7,
august: 7,
viii: 7,
sep: 8,
sept: 8,
september: 8,
ix: 8,
oct: 9,
october: 9,
x: 9,
nov: 10,
november: 10,
xi: 10,
dec: 11,
december: 11,
xii: 11,

function lookupWeekday(dayStr, desiredSundayNumber = 0) {
const dayNumbers = {
mon: 1,
monday: 1,
tue: 2,
tuesday: 2,
wed: 3,
wednesday: 3,
thu: 4,
thursday: 4,
fri: 5,
friday: 5,
sat: 6,
saturday: 6,
sun: 0,
sunday: 0,

return dayNumbers[dayStr.toLowerCase()] || desiredSundayNumber

function lookupRelative(relText) {
const relativeNumbers = {
last: -1,
previous: -1,
this: 0,
first: 1,
next: 1,
second: 2,
third: 3,
fourth: 4,
fifth: 5,
sixth: 6,
seventh: 7,
eight: 8,
eighth: 8,
ninth: 9,
tenth: 10,
eleventh: 11,
twelfth: 12,

const relativeBehavior = {
this: 1,

const relTextLower = relText.toLowerCase()

return {
amount: relativeNumbers[relTextLower],
behavior: relativeBehavior[relTextLower] || 0,

function processTzCorrection(tzOffset, oldValue) {
const reTzCorrectionLoose = /(?:GMT)?([+-])(\d+)(:?)(\d{0,2})/i
tzOffset = tzOffset && tzOffset.match(reTzCorrectionLoose)

if (!tzOffset) {
return oldValue

const sign = tzOffset[1] === '-' ? -1 : 1
let hours = +tzOffset[2]
let minutes = +tzOffset[4]

if (!tzOffset[4] && !tzOffset[3]) {
minutes = Math.floor(hours % 100)
hours = Math.floor(hours / 100)

// timezone offset in seconds
return sign * (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60

// tz abbrevation : tz offset in seconds
const tzAbbrOffsets = {
acdt: 37800,
acst: 34200,
addt: -7200,
adt: -10800,
aedt: 39600,
aest: 36000,
ahdt: -32400,
ahst: -36000,
akdt: -28800,
akst: -32400,
amt: -13840,
apt: -10800,
ast: -14400,
awdt: 32400,
awst: 28800,
awt: -10800,
bdst: 7200,
bdt: -36000,
bmt: -14309,
bst: 3600,
cast: 34200,
cat: 7200,
cddt: -14400,
cdt: -18000,
cemt: 10800,
cest: 7200,
cet: 3600,
cmt: -15408,
cpt: -18000,
cst: -21600,
cwt: -18000,
chst: 36000,
dmt: -1521,
eat: 10800,
eddt: -10800,
edt: -14400,
eest: 10800,
eet: 7200,
emt: -26248,
ept: -14400,
est: -18000,
ewt: -14400,
ffmt: -14660,
fmt: -4056,
gdt: 39600,
gmt: 0,
gst: 36000,
hdt: -34200,
hkst: 32400,
hkt: 28800,
hmt: -19776,
hpt: -34200,
hst: -36000,
hwt: -34200,
iddt: 14400,
idt: 10800,
imt: 25025,
ist: 7200,
jdt: 36000,
jmt: 8440,
jst: 32400,
kdt: 36000,
kmt: 5736,
kst: 30600,
lst: 9394,
mddt: -18000,
mdst: 16279,
mdt: -21600,
mest: 7200,
met: 3600,
mmt: 9017,
mpt: -21600,
msd: 14400,
msk: 10800,
mst: -25200,
mwt: -21600,
nddt: -5400,
ndt: -9052,
npt: -9000,
nst: -12600,
nwt: -9000,
nzdt: 46800,
nzmt: 41400,
nzst: 43200,
pddt: -21600,
pdt: -25200,
pkst: 21600,
pkt: 18000,
plmt: 25590,
pmt: -13236,
ppmt: -17340,
ppt: -25200,
pst: -28800,
pwt: -25200,
qmt: -18840,
rmt: 5794,
sast: 7200,
sdmt: -16800,
sjmt: -20173,
smt: -13884,
sst: -39600,
tbmt: 10751,
tmt: 12344,
uct: 0,
utc: 0,
wast: 7200,
wat: 3600,
wemt: 7200,
west: 3600,
wet: 0,
wib: 25200,
wita: 28800,
wit: 32400,
wmt: 5040,
yddt: -25200,
ydt: -28800,
ypt: -28800,
yst: -32400,
ywt: -28800,
a: 3600,
b: 7200,
c: 10800,
d: 14400,
e: 18000,
f: 21600,
g: 25200,
h: 28800,
i: 32400,
k: 36000,
l: 39600,
m: 43200,
n: -3600,
o: -7200,
p: -10800,
q: -14400,
r: -18000,
s: -21600,
t: -25200,
u: -28800,
v: -32400,
w: -36000,
x: -39600,
y: -43200,
z: 0,

const formats = {
yesterday: {
regex: /^yesterday/i,
name: 'yesterday',
callback() {
this.rd -= 1
return this.resetTime()

now: {
regex: /^now/i,
name: 'now',
// do nothing

noon: {
regex: /^noon/i,
name: 'noon',
callback() {
return this.resetTime() && this.time(12, 0, 0, 0)

midnightOrToday: {
regex: /^(midnight|today)/i,
name: 'midnight | today',
callback() {
return this.resetTime()

tomorrow: {
regex: /^tomorrow/i,
name: 'tomorrow',
callback() {
this.rd += 1
return this.resetTime()

timestamp: {
regex: /^@(-?\d+)/i,
name: 'timestamp',
callback(match, timestamp) { += +timestamp
this.y = 1970
this.m = 0
this.d = 1
this.dates = 0

return this.resetTime() &&

firstOrLastDay: {
regex: /^(first|last) day of/i,
name: 'firstdayof | lastdayof',
callback(match, day) {
if (day.toLowerCase() === 'first') {
this.firstOrLastDayOfMonth = 1
} else {
this.firstOrLastDayOfMonth = -1

backOrFrontOf: {
regex: RegExp('^(back|front) of ' + reHour24 + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian + '?', 'i'),
name: 'backof | frontof',
callback(match, side, hours, meridian) {
const back = side.toLowerCase() === 'back'
let hour = +hours
let minute = 15

if (!back) {
hour -= 1
minute = 45

hour = processMeridian(hour, meridian)

return this.resetTime() && this.time(hour, minute, 0, 0)

weekdayOf: {
regex: RegExp(
'^(' +
reReltextnumber +
'|' +
reReltexttext +
')' +
reSpace +
'(' +
reDayfull +
'|' +
reDayabbr +
')' +
reSpace +
name: 'weekdayof',
// todo

mssqltime: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reHour12 + ':' + reMinutelz + ':' + reSecondlz + '[:.]([0-9]+)' + reMeridian, 'i'),
name: 'mssqltime',
callback(match, hour, minute, second, frac, meridian) {
return this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), +minute, +second, +frac.substr(0, 3))

oracledate: {
regex: /^(\d{2})-([A-Z]{3})-(\d{2})$/i,
name: 'd-M-y',
callback(match, day, monthText, year) {
const month = {
JAN: 0,
FEB: 1,
MAR: 2,
APR: 3,
MAY: 4,
JUN: 5,
JUL: 6,
AUG: 7,
SEP: 8,
OCT: 9,
NOV: 10,
DEC: 11,
return this.ymd(2000 + parseInt(year, 10), month, parseInt(day, 10))

timeLong12: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reHour12 + '[:.]' + reMinute + '[:.]' + reSecondlz + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian, 'i'),
name: 'timelong12',
callback(match, hour, minute, second, meridian) {
return this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), +minute, +second, 0)

timeShort12: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reHour12 + '[:.]' + reMinutelz + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian, 'i'),
name: 'timeshort12',
callback(match, hour, minute, meridian) {
return this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), +minute, 0, 0)

timeTiny12: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reHour12 + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian, 'i'),
name: 'timetiny12',
callback(match, hour, meridian) {
return this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), 0, 0, 0)

soap: {
regex: RegExp(
'^' +
reYear4 +
'-' +
reMonthlz +
'-' +
reDaylz +
'T' +
reHour24lz +
':' +
reMinutelz +
':' +
reSecondlz +
reFrac +
reTzCorrection +
name: 'soap',
callback(match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, frac, tzCorrection) {
return (
this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day) &&
this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, +frac.substr(0, 3)) &&

wddx: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '-' + reMonth + '-' + reDay + 'T' + reHour24 + ':' + reMinute + ':' + reSecond),
name: 'wddx',
callback(match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

exif: {
regex: RegExp(
'^' + reYear4 + ':' + reMonthlz + ':' + reDaylz + ' ' + reHour24lz + ':' + reMinutelz + ':' + reSecondlz,
name: 'exif',
callback(match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

xmlRpc: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + reMonthlz + reDaylz + 'T' + reHour24 + ':' + reMinutelz + ':' + reSecondlz),
name: 'xmlrpc',
callback(match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

xmlRpcNoColon: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + reMonthlz + reDaylz + '[Tt]' + reHour24 + reMinutelz + reSecondlz),
name: 'xmlrpcnocolon',
callback(match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

clf: {
regex: RegExp(
'^' +
reDay +
'/(' +
reMonthAbbr +
')/' +
reYear4 +
':' +
reHour24lz +
':' +
reMinutelz +
':' +
reSecondlz +
reSpace +
name: 'clf',
callback(match, day, month, year, hour, minute, second, tzCorrection) {
return (
this.ymd(+year, lookupMonth(month), +day) &&
this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0) &&

iso8601long: {
regex: RegExp('^t?' + reHour24 + '[:.]' + reMinute + '[:.]' + reSecond + reFrac, 'i'),
name: 'iso8601long',
callback(match, hour, minute, second, frac) {
return this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, +frac.substr(0, 3))

dateTextual: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reMonthText + '[ .\\t-]*' + reDay + '[,.stndrh\\t ]+' + reYear, 'i'),
name: 'datetextual',
callback(match, month, day, year) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), lookupMonth(month), +day)

pointedDate4: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDay + '[.\\t-]' + reMonth + '[.-]' + reYear4),
name: 'pointeddate4',
callback(match, day, month, year) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day)

pointedDate2: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDay + '[.\\t]' + reMonth + '\\.' + reYear2),
name: 'pointeddate2',
callback(match, day, month, year) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), month - 1, +day)

timeLong24: {
regex: RegExp('^t?' + reHour24 + '[:.]' + reMinute + '[:.]' + reSecond),
name: 'timelong24',
callback(match, hour, minute, second) {
return this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

dateNoColon: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + reMonthlz + reDaylz),
name: 'datenocolon',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day)

pgydotd: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '\\.?' + reDayOfYear),
name: 'pgydotd',
callback(match, year, day) {
return this.ymd(+year, 0, +day)

timeShort24: {
regex: RegExp('^t?' + reHour24 + '[:.]' + reMinute, 'i'),
name: 'timeshort24',
callback(match, hour, minute) {
return this.time(+hour, +minute, 0, 0)

iso8601noColon: {
regex: RegExp('^t?' + reHour24lz + reMinutelz + reSecondlz, 'i'),
name: 'iso8601nocolon',
callback(match, hour, minute, second) {
return this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

iso8601dateSlash: {
// eventhough the trailing slash is optional in PHP
// here it's mandatory and inputs without the slash
// are handled by dateslash
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '/' + reMonthlz + '/' + reDaylz + '/'),
name: 'iso8601dateslash',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day)

dateSlash: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '/' + reMonth + '/' + reDay),
name: 'dateslash',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day)

american: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reMonth + '/' + reDay + '/' + reYear),
name: 'american',
callback(match, month, day, year) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), month - 1, +day)

americanShort: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reMonth + '/' + reDay),
name: 'americanshort',
callback(match, month, day) {
return this.ymd(this.y, month - 1, +day)

gnuDateShortOrIso8601date2: {
// iso8601date2 is complete subset of gnudateshort
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear + '-' + reMonth + '-' + reDay),
name: 'gnudateshort | iso8601date2',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), month - 1, +day)

iso8601date4: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4withSign + '-' + reMonthlz + '-' + reDaylz),
name: 'iso8601date4',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, +day)

gnuNoColon: {
regex: RegExp('^t?' + reHour24lz + reMinutelz, 'i'),
name: 'gnunocolon',
callback(match, hour, minute) {
// this rule is a special case
// if time was already set once by any preceding rule, it sets the captured value as year
switch (this.times) {
case 0:
return this.time(+hour, +minute, 0, this.f)
case 1:
this.y = hour * 100 + +minute

return true
return false

gnuDateShorter: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '-' + reMonth),
name: 'gnudateshorter',
callback(match, year, month) {
return this.ymd(+year, month - 1, 1)

pgTextReverse: {
// note: allowed years are from 32-9999
// years below 32 should be treated as days in datefull
regex: RegExp('^' + '(\\d{3,4}|[4-9]\\d|3[2-9])-(' + reMonthAbbr + ')-' + reDaylz, 'i'),
name: 'pgtextreverse',
callback(match, year, month, day) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), lookupMonth(month), +day)

dateFull: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDay + '[ \\t.-]*' + reMonthText + '[ \\t.-]*' + reYear, 'i'),
name: 'datefull',
callback(match, day, month, year) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), lookupMonth(month), +day)

dateNoDay: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reMonthText + '[ .\\t-]*' + reYear4, 'i'),
name: 'datenoday',
callback(match, month, year) {
return this.ymd(+year, lookupMonth(month), 1)

dateNoDayRev: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '[ .\\t-]*' + reMonthText, 'i'),
name: 'datenodayrev',
callback(match, year, month) {
return this.ymd(+year, lookupMonth(month), 1)

pgTextShort: {
regex: RegExp('^(' + reMonthAbbr + ')-' + reDaylz + '-' + reYear, 'i'),
name: 'pgtextshort',
callback(match, month, day, year) {
return this.ymd(processYear(year), lookupMonth(month), +day)

dateNoYear: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDateNoYear, 'i'),
name: 'datenoyear',
callback(match, month, day) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day)

dateNoYearRev: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDay + '[ .\\t-]*' + reMonthText, 'i'),
name: 'datenoyearrev',
callback(match, day, month) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day)

isoWeekDay: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4 + '-?W' + reWeekOfYear + '(?:-?([0-7]))?'),
name: 'isoweekday | isoweek',
callback(match, year, week, day) {
day = day ? +day : 1

if (!this.ymd(+year, 0, 1)) {
return false

// get day of week for Jan 1st
let dayOfWeek = new Date(this.y, this.m, this.d).getDay()

// and use the day to figure out the offset for day 1 of week 1
dayOfWeek = 0 - (dayOfWeek > 4 ? dayOfWeek - 7 : dayOfWeek)

this.rd += dayOfWeek + (week - 1) * 7 + day

relativeText: {
regex: RegExp('^(' + reReltextnumber + '|' + reReltexttext + ')' + reSpace + '(' + reReltextunit + ')', 'i'),
name: 'relativetext',
callback(match, relValue, relUnit) {
// todo: implement handling of 'this time-unit'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const { amount, behavior } = lookupRelative(relValue)

switch (relUnit.toLowerCase()) {
case 'sec':
case 'secs':
case 'second':
case 'seconds': += amount
case 'min':
case 'mins':
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
this.ri += amount
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
this.rh += amount
case 'day':
case 'days':
this.rd += amount
case 'fortnight':
case 'fortnights':
case 'forthnight':
case 'forthnights':
this.rd += amount * 14
case 'week':
case 'weeks':
this.rd += amount * 7
case 'month':
case 'months':
this.rm += amount
case 'year':
case 'years':
this.ry += amount
case 'mon':
case 'monday':
case 'tue':
case 'tuesday':
case 'wed':
case 'wednesday':
case 'thu':
case 'thursday':
case 'fri':
case 'friday':
case 'sat':
case 'saturday':
case 'sun':
case 'sunday':
this.weekday = lookupWeekday(relUnit, 7)
this.weekdayBehavior = 1
this.rd += (amount > 0 ? amount - 1 : amount) * 7
case 'weekday':
case 'weekdays':
// todo

relative: {
regex: RegExp('^([+-]*)[ \\t]*(\\d+)' + reSpaceOpt + '(' + reReltextunit + '|week)', 'i'),
name: 'relative',
callback(match, signs, relValue, relUnit) {
const minuses = signs.replace(/[^-]/g, '').length

const amount = +relValue * Math.pow(-1, minuses)

switch (relUnit.toLowerCase()) {
case 'sec':
case 'secs':
case 'second':
case 'seconds': += amount
case 'min':
case 'mins':
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
this.ri += amount
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
this.rh += amount
case 'day':
case 'days':
this.rd += amount
case 'fortnight':
case 'fortnights':
case 'forthnight':
case 'forthnights':
this.rd += amount * 14
case 'week':
case 'weeks':
this.rd += amount * 7
case 'month':
case 'months':
this.rm += amount
case 'year':
case 'years':
this.ry += amount
case 'mon':
case 'monday':
case 'tue':
case 'tuesday':
case 'wed':
case 'wednesday':
case 'thu':
case 'thursday':
case 'fri':
case 'friday':
case 'sat':
case 'saturday':
case 'sun':
case 'sunday':
this.weekday = lookupWeekday(relUnit, 7)
this.weekdayBehavior = 1
this.rd += (amount > 0 ? amount - 1 : amount) * 7
case 'weekday':
case 'weekdays':
// todo

dayText: {
regex: RegExp('^(' + reDaytext + ')', 'i'),
name: 'daytext',
callback(match, dayText) {
this.weekday = lookupWeekday(dayText, 0)

if (this.weekdayBehavior !== 2) {
this.weekdayBehavior = 1

relativeTextWeek: {
regex: RegExp('^(' + reReltexttext + ')' + reSpace + 'week', 'i'),
name: 'relativetextweek',
callback(match, relText) {
this.weekdayBehavior = 2

switch (relText.toLowerCase()) {
case 'this':
this.rd += 0
case 'next':
this.rd += 7
case 'last':
case 'previous':
this.rd -= 7

if (isNaN(this.weekday)) {
this.weekday = 1

monthFullOrMonthAbbr: {
regex: RegExp('^(' + reMonthFull + '|' + reMonthAbbr + ')', 'i'),
name: 'monthfull | monthabbr',
callback(match, month) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), this.d)

tzCorrection: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reTzCorrection, 'i'),
name: 'tzcorrection',
callback(tzCorrection) {

tzAbbr: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reTzAbbr),
name: 'tzabbr',
callback(match, abbr) {
const offset = tzAbbrOffsets[abbr.toLowerCase()]

if (isNaN(offset)) {
return false


ago: {
regex: /^ago/i,
name: 'ago',
callback() {
this.ry = -this.ry
this.rm = -this.rm
this.rd = -this.rd
this.rh = -this.rh
this.ri = -this.ri =
this.rf = -this.rf

year4: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reYear4),
name: 'year4',
callback(match, year) {
this.y = +year
return true

whitespace: {
regex: /^[ .,\t]+/,
name: 'whitespace',
// do nothing

dateShortWithTimeLong: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDateNoYear + 't?' + reHour24 + '[:.]' + reMinute + '[:.]' + reSecond, 'i'),
name: 'dateshortwithtimelong',
callback(match, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, +second, 0)

dateShortWithTimeLong12: {
regex: RegExp(
'^' + reDateNoYear + reHour12 + '[:.]' + reMinute + '[:.]' + reSecondlz + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian,
name: 'dateshortwithtimelong12',
callback(match, month, day, hour, minute, second, meridian) {
return (
this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day) && this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), +minute, +second, 0)

dateShortWithTimeShort: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDateNoYear + 't?' + reHour24 + '[:.]' + reMinute, 'i'),
name: 'dateshortwithtimeshort',
callback(match, month, day, hour, minute) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day) && this.time(+hour, +minute, 0, 0)

dateShortWithTimeShort12: {
regex: RegExp('^' + reDateNoYear + reHour12 + '[:.]' + reMinutelz + reSpaceOpt + reMeridian, 'i'),
name: 'dateshortwithtimeshort12',
callback(match, month, day, hour, minute, meridian) {
return this.ymd(this.y, lookupMonth(month), +day) && this.time(processMeridian(+hour, meridian), +minute, 0, 0)

const resultProto = {
// date
y: NaN,
m: NaN,
d: NaN,
// time
h: NaN,
i: NaN,
s: NaN,
f: NaN,

// relative shifts
ry: 0,
rm: 0,
rd: 0,
rh: 0,
ri: 0,
rs: 0,
rf: 0,

// weekday related shifts
weekday: NaN,
weekdayBehavior: 0,

// first or last day of month
// 0 none, 1 first, -1 last
firstOrLastDayOfMonth: 0,

// timezone correction in minutes
z: NaN,

// counters
dates: 0,
times: 0,
zones: 0,

// helper functions
ymd(y, m, d) {
if (this.dates > 0) {
return false

this.y = y
this.m = m
this.d = d
return true

time(h, i, s, f) {
if (this.times > 0) {
return false

this.h = h
this.i = i
this.s = s
this.f = f

return true

resetTime() {
this.h = 0
this.i = 0
this.s = 0
this.f = 0
this.times = 0

return true

zone(minutes) {
if (this.zones <= 1) {
this.z = minutes
return true

return false

toDate(relativeTo) {
if (this.dates && !this.times) {
this.h = this.i = this.s = this.f = 0

// fill holes
if (isNaN(this.y)) {
this.y = relativeTo.getFullYear()

if (isNaN(this.m)) {
this.m = relativeTo.getMonth()

if (isNaN(this.d)) {
this.d = relativeTo.getDate()

if (isNaN(this.h)) {
this.h = relativeTo.getHours()

if (isNaN(this.i)) {
this.i = relativeTo.getMinutes()

if (isNaN(this.s)) {
this.s = relativeTo.getSeconds()

if (isNaN(this.f)) {
this.f = relativeTo.getMilliseconds()

// adjust special early
switch (this.firstOrLastDayOfMonth) {
case 1:
this.d = 1
case -1:
this.d = 0
this.m += 1

if (!isNaN(this.weekday)) {
const date = new Date(relativeTo.getTime())
date.setFullYear(this.y, this.m, this.d)
date.setHours(this.h, this.i, this.s, this.f)

const dow = date.getDay()

if (this.weekdayBehavior === 2) {
// To make "this week" work, where the current day of week is a "sunday"
if (dow === 0 && this.weekday !== 0) {
this.weekday = -6

// To make "sunday this week" work, where the current day of week is not a "sunday"
if (this.weekday === 0 && dow !== 0) {
this.weekday = 7

this.d -= dow
this.d += this.weekday
} else {
let diff = this.weekday - dow

// some PHP magic
if ((this.rd < 0 && diff < 0) || (this.rd >= 0 && diff <= -this.weekdayBehavior)) {
diff += 7

if (this.weekday >= 0) {
this.d += diff
} else {
this.d -= 7 - (Math.abs(this.weekday) - dow)

this.weekday = NaN

// adjust relative
this.y += this.ry
this.m += this.rm
this.d += this.rd

this.h += this.rh
this.i += this.ri
this.s +=
this.f += this.rf

this.ry = this.rm = this.rd = 0
this.rh = this.ri = = this.rf = 0

const result = new Date(relativeTo.getTime())
// since Date constructor treats years <= 99 as 1900+
// it can't be used, thus this weird way
result.setFullYear(this.y, this.m, this.d)
result.setHours(this.h, this.i, this.s, this.f)

// note: this is done twice in PHP
// early when processing special relatives
// and late
// todo: check if the logic can be reduced
// to just one time action
switch (this.firstOrLastDayOfMonth) {
case 1:
case -1:
result.setMonth(result.getMonth() + 1, 0)

// adjust timezone
if (!isNaN(this.z) && result.getTimezoneOffset() !== this.z) {
result.setUTCFullYear(result.getFullYear(), result.getMonth(), result.getDate())

result.setUTCHours(result.getHours(), result.getMinutes(), result.getSeconds() - this.z, result.getMilliseconds())

return result

module.exports = function strtotime(str, now) {
// discuss at:
// original by: Caio Ariede (
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: Caio Ariede (
// improved by: A. Matías Quezada (
// improved by: preuter
// improved by: Brett Zamir (
// improved by: Mirko Faber
// input by: David
// bugfixed by: Wagner B. Soares
// bugfixed by: Artur Tchernychev
// bugfixed by: Stephan Bösch-Plepelits (
// reimplemented by: Rafał Kukawski
// note 1: Examples all have a fixed timestamp to prevent
// note 1: tests to fail because of variable time(zones)
// example 1: strtotime('+1 day', 1129633200)
// returns 1: 1129719600
// example 2: strtotime('+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds', 1129633200)
// returns 2: 1130425202
// example 3: strtotime('last month', 1129633200)
// returns 3: 1127041200
// example 4: strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00+00')
// returns 4: 1241425800
// example 5: strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00+02:00')
// returns 5: 1241418600
// example 6: strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00 YWT')
// returns 6: 1241454600
// example 7: strtotime('10-JUL-17')
// returns 7: 1499644800

if (now == null) {
now = Math.floor( / 1000)

// the rule order is important
// if multiple rules match, the longest match wins
// if multiple rules match the same string, the first match wins
const rules = [
// formats.weekdayOf, // not yet implemented

const result = Object.create(resultProto)

while (str.length) {
let longestMatch = null
let finalRule = null

for (let i = 0, l = rules.length; i < l; i++) {
const format = rules[i]

const match = str.match(format.regex)

if (match) {
if (!longestMatch || match[0].length > longestMatch[0].length) {
longestMatch = match
finalRule = format

if (!finalRule || (finalRule.callback && finalRule.callback.apply(result, longestMatch) === false)) {
return false

str = str.substr(longestMatch[0].length)
finalRule = null
longestMatch = null

return Math.floor(result.toDate(new Date(now * 1000)) / 1000)

A community effort

Not unlike Wikipedia, Locutus is an ongoing community effort. Our philosophy follows The McDonald’s Theory. This means that we assimilate first iterations with imperfections, hoping for others to take issue with-and improve them. This unorthodox approach has worked very well to foster fun and fruitful collaboration, but please be reminded to use our creations at your own risk. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" has never been more true than for Locutus.

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