PHP's mktime in JavaScript

How to use

You you can install via yarn add locutus and require this function via const mktime = require('locutus/php/datetime/mktime').

It is important to use a bundler that supports tree-shaking so that you only ship the functions that you actually use to your browser, instead of all of Locutus, which is massive. Examples are: Parcel, webpack, or rollup.js. For server-side use this is typically less of a concern.


Please note that these examples are distilled from test cases that automatically verify our functions still work correctly. This could explain some quirky ones.

#codeexpected result
1mktime(14, 10, 2, 2, 1, 2008)1201875002
2mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2008)1196467200
3var $make = mktime() var $td = new Date() var $real = Math.floor($td.getTime() / 1000) var $diff = ($real - $make) $diff < 5true
4mktime(0, 0, 0, 13, 1, 1997)883612800
5mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998)883612800
6mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 98)883612800
7mktime(23, 59, 59, 13, 0, 2010)1293839999
8mktime(0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1970)-1


  • The return values of the following examples are received only if your system’s timezone is UTC.

Here’s what our current JavaScript equivalent to PHP's mktime looks like.

module.exports = function mktime() {
// discuss at:
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: baris ozdil
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: FGFEmperor
// improved by: Brett Zamir (
// input by: gabriel paderni
// input by: Yannoo
// input by: jakes
// input by: 3D-GRAF
// input by: Chris
// bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// bugfixed by: Marc Palau
// bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
// revised by: Theriault (
// note 1: The return values of the following examples are
// note 1: received only if your system's timezone is UTC.
// example 1: mktime(14, 10, 2, 2, 1, 2008)
// returns 1: 1201875002
// example 2: mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2008)
// returns 2: 1196467200
// example 3: var $make = mktime()
// example 3: var $td = new Date()
// example 3: var $real = Math.floor($td.getTime() / 1000)
// example 3: var $diff = ($real - $make)
// example 3: $diff < 5
// returns 3: true
// example 4: mktime(0, 0, 0, 13, 1, 1997)
// returns 4: 883612800
// example 5: mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998)
// returns 5: 883612800
// example 6: mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 98)
// returns 6: 883612800
// example 7: mktime(23, 59, 59, 13, 0, 2010)
// returns 7: 1293839999
// example 8: mktime(0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1970)
// returns 8: -1

const d = new Date()
const r = arguments
let i = 0
const e = ['Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds', 'Month', 'Date', 'FullYear']

for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
if (typeof r[i] === 'undefined') {
r[i] = d['get' + e[i]]()
// +1 to fix JS months.
r[i] += i === 3
} else {
r[i] = parseInt(r[i], 10)
if (isNaN(r[i])) {
return false

// Map years 0-69 to 2000-2069 and years 70-100 to 1970-2000.
r[5] += r[5] >= 0 ? (r[5] <= 69 ? 2e3 : r[5] <= 100 ? 1900 : 0) : 0

// Set year, month (-1 to fix JS months), and date.
// !This must come before the call to setHours!
d.setFullYear(r[5], r[3] - 1, r[4])

// Set hours, minutes, and seconds.
d.setHours(r[0], r[1], r[2])

const time = d.getTime()

// Divide milliseconds by 1000 to return seconds and drop decimal.
// Add 1 second if negative or it'll be off from PHP by 1 second.
return ((time / 1e3) >> 0) - (time < 0)

A community effort

Not unlike Wikipedia, Locutus is an ongoing community effort. Our philosophy follows The McDonald’s Theory. This means that we assimilate first iterations with imperfections, hoping for others to take issue with-and improve them. This unorthodox approach has worked very well to foster fun and fruitful collaboration, but please be reminded to use our creations at your own risk. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" has never been more true than for Locutus.

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