PHP's sprintf in JavaScript

How to use

You you can install via yarn add locutus and require this function via const sprintf = require('locutus/php/strings/sprintf').

It is important to use a bundler that supports tree-shaking so that you only ship the functions that you actually use to your browser, instead of all of Locutus, which is massive. Examples are: Parcel, webpack, or rollup.js. For server-side use this is typically less of a concern.


Please note that these examples are distilled from test cases that automatically verify our functions still work correctly. This could explain some quirky ones.

#codeexpected result
1sprintf("%01.2f", 123.1)'123.10'
2sprintf("[%10s]", 'monkey')'[ monkey]'
3sprintf("[%'#10s]", 'monkey')'[####monkey]'
4sprintf("%d", 123456789012345)'123456789012345'
5sprintf('%-03s', 'E')'E00'
6sprintf('%+010d', 9)'+000000009'
7sprintf('%+0\'@10d', 9)'@@@@@@@@+9'
8sprintf('%.f', 3.14)'3.140000'
9sprintf('%% %2$d', 1, 2)'% 2'

Here’s what our current JavaScript equivalent to PHP's sprintf looks like.

module.exports = function sprintf() {
// discuss at:
// original by: Ash Searle (
// improved by: Michael White (
// improved by: Jack
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// improved by: Dj
// improved by: Allidylls
// input by: Paulo Freitas
// input by: Brett Zamir (
// improved by: Rafał Kukawski (
// example 1: sprintf("%01.2f", 123.1)
// returns 1: '123.10'
// example 2: sprintf("[%10s]", 'monkey')
// returns 2: '[ monkey]'
// example 3: sprintf("[%'#10s]", 'monkey')
// returns 3: '[####monkey]'
// example 4: sprintf("%d", 123456789012345)
// returns 4: '123456789012345'
// example 5: sprintf('%-03s', 'E')
// returns 5: 'E00'
// example 6: sprintf('%+010d', 9)
// returns 6: '+000000009'
// example 7: sprintf('%+0\'@10d', 9)
// returns 7: '@@@@@@@@+9'
// example 8: sprintf('%.f', 3.14)
// returns 8: '3.140000'
// example 9: sprintf('%% %2$d', 1, 2)
// returns 9: '% 2'

const regex = /%%|%(?:(\d+)\$)?((?:[-+#0 ]|'[\s\S])*)(\d+)?(?:\.(\d*))?([\s\S])/g
const args = arguments
let i = 0
const format = args[i++]

const _pad = function (str, len, chr, leftJustify) {
if (!chr) {
chr = ' '
const padding = str.length >= len ? '' : new Array((1 + len - str.length) >>> 0).join(chr)
return leftJustify ? str + padding : padding + str

const justify = function (value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, padChar) {
const diff = minWidth - value.length
if (diff > 0) {
// when padding with zeros
// on the left side
// keep sign (+ or -) in front
if (!leftJustify && padChar === '0') {
value = [value.slice(0, prefix.length), _pad('', diff, '0', true), value.slice(prefix.length)].join('')
} else {
value = _pad(value, minWidth, padChar, leftJustify)
return value

const _formatBaseX = function (value, base, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar) {
// Note: casts negative numbers to positive ones
const number = value >>> 0
value = _pad(number.toString(base), precision || 0, '0', false)
return justify(value, '', leftJustify, minWidth, padChar)

// _formatString()
const _formatString = function (value, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, customPadChar) {
if (precision !== null && precision !== undefined) {
value = value.slice(0, precision)
return justify(value, '', leftJustify, minWidth, customPadChar)

// doFormat()
const doFormat = function (substring, argIndex, modifiers, minWidth, precision, specifier) {
let number, prefix, method, textTransform, value

if (substring === '%%') {
return '%'

// parse modifiers
let padChar = ' ' // pad with spaces by default
let leftJustify = false
let positiveNumberPrefix = ''
let j, l

for (j = 0, l = modifiers.length; j < l; j++) {
switch (modifiers.charAt(j)) {
case ' ':
case '0':
padChar = modifiers.charAt(j)
case '+':
positiveNumberPrefix = '+'
case '-':
leftJustify = true
case "'":
if (j + 1 < l) {
padChar = modifiers.charAt(j + 1)

if (!minWidth) {
minWidth = 0
} else {
minWidth = +minWidth

if (!isFinite(minWidth)) {
throw new Error('Width must be finite')

if (!precision) {
precision = specifier === 'd' ? 0 : 'fFeE'.indexOf(specifier) > -1 ? 6 : undefined
} else {
precision = +precision

if (argIndex && +argIndex === 0) {
throw new Error('Argument number must be greater than zero')

if (argIndex && +argIndex >= args.length) {
throw new Error('Too few arguments')

value = argIndex ? args[+argIndex] : args[i++]

switch (specifier) {
case '%':
return '%'
case 's':
return _formatString(value + '', leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'c':
return _formatString(String.fromCharCode(+value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'b':
return _formatBaseX(value, 2, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'o':
return _formatBaseX(value, 8, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'x':
return _formatBaseX(value, 16, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'X':
return _formatBaseX(value, 16, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar).toUpperCase()
case 'u':
return _formatBaseX(value, 10, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, padChar)
case 'i':
case 'd':
number = +value || 0
// Plain Math.round doesn't just truncate
number = Math.round(number - (number % 1))
prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positiveNumberPrefix
value = prefix + _pad(String(Math.abs(number)), precision, '0', false)

if (leftJustify && padChar === '0') {
// can't right-pad 0s on integers
padChar = ' '
return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, padChar)
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f': // @todo: Should handle locales (as per setlocale)
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
number = +value
prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positiveNumberPrefix
method = ['toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toPrecision']['efg'.indexOf(specifier.toLowerCase())]
textTransform = ['toString', 'toUpperCase']['eEfFgG'.indexOf(specifier) % 2]
value = prefix + Math.abs(number)[method](precision)
return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, padChar)[textTransform]()
// unknown specifier, consume that char and return empty
return ''

try {
return format.replace(regex, doFormat)
} catch (err) {
return false

A community effort

Not unlike Wikipedia, Locutus is an ongoing community effort. Our philosophy follows The McDonald’s Theory. This means that we assimilate first iterations with imperfections, hoping for others to take issue with-and improve them. This unorthodox approach has worked very well to foster fun and fruitful collaboration, but please be reminded to use our creations at your own risk. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" has never been more true than for Locutus.

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